Cardiopulmonary system (Ergospirometry system)
An updated version of our CardioPC/E system, which can measure and evaluate the volumes of O2 and CO2 gases during the whole stress test procedure with the help of its gas analyser, over its features supported by its conventional ECG signal based stress test system. It can be used also for clinical quality spirometry.
Exercise mode
- Bicycle or treadmill for patient load
- Selectable and user-definable exercise testing protocols
- Progressive incremental bicycle exercise protocols
- Step and Ramp type protocols
- Constant work rate protocol
- Multistage exercise protocol with a pseudo-steady tate at each level
- Discontinuous protocol
- 12 channel online ECG signal processing
- Automatic blood pressure measurements
- Online 12 channel ECG ST segment and arrhythmia analysis
- Exercise display: load level, HR, blood-pressure, RPP, revolutions, ES, SVES, VES, QT interval
- Full disclosure display and storage for the 12 channels
Ergospirometer mode
- Extremely small and light patient circuit
- PinkFlow flow meter without any moving parts and electrical connection
- Single-use or disinfectable patient circuit
- Automatic calibration and self-test
- Breath by breath gas analysis
- Mixing chamber gas analysis (optional)
- FVC (Forced Vital Capacity) measurement
- IVC (Inspiratory Vital Capacity) measurement
- MVV (Maximal Voluntary Ventilation) measurement
- Wasserman’s 9 basic graphs
- 17 types of VO2 graphs